Jonas Frede bio photo

Jonas Frede

OvGU Magdeburg

I'm a PhD fellow in Germany. My research revolves around combinatorial optimization.

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My Personal Background

Work Experience

• I am a PhD student and fellow at MathCoRe.

• During my studies, I worked as a student tutor and teaching assistant.


• I have a M.Sc. in Mathematics from Technical University Berlin.

• During my M.Sc., I was a member of Berlin Mathematical School.

• Before that, I did my B.Sc. in Mathematics at Otto-von-Guericke-University in Magdeburg.

Computer Skills

• My language of choice is Julia, you should check it out.

• For stuff that is not as easy to do in Julia, I also use Python, sometimes together with SageMath.


Deutsch ist meine Muttersprache.

• I am proficient in English.